To extend the computational capabilities available to JETSET’s ambitious research goals, the Relativistic Astrophysics group has acquired a brand new computing cluster. The cluster is exclusively dedicated to our research group and was customized to suit our peculiar needs for high-performance parallel computing. With more than 2,000 top-notch CPUs available at all times, JETSET is now among the best-equipped research endeavors in theoretical astrophysics.
In the long tradition of exotic plant names for the computing clusters of the Relativistic Astrophysics group (Belladonna, Iboga, etc.), the new cluster was baptized Calea, after a vote by group members.
The arrival of Calea is also an occasion for the group to update our computing software infrastructure to guarantee a smooth and efficient experience for all physicists involved in JETSET. From installing and maintaining the software infrastructure to developing and running the physics codes, JETSET hosts all the know-how for high-performance computing.