JETSET member Dr. Alejandro Cruz-Osorio was selected as one of the recipients of the 2022 Early Career Award by the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration. The entire JETSET team is very proud of Alejandro and joins in warmly congratulating him as a remarkable scientist and a friendly collaborator.
Every year, the EHT Collaboration selects a number of members for the Early Career Award and Outstanding PhD Award, to acknowledge their exceptional contribution to the EHT project.
The 2022 awards were given to 21 EHT collaborators, including Dr. Alejandro Cruz-Osorio for his recent contribution to the EHT Sgr A* paper V, notably the numerical modelling and theoretical interpretation of the first image of Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole in the Galactic center.

Alejandro is an established expert in the high-performance numerical simulation of accretion systems around black holes and relativistic jets. Such simulations are cornerstones of the method to analyze the complex radio images of galaxy centers where supermassive black hole are found. This expertise has led him to endorse scientific responsibility within the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration, and to become a founding member of the ERC-funded JETSET project. Using such simulations, Alejandro recently led an important study on spectroscopic and morphological features of relativistic jets.
Alejandro, who was born in Chicontepec, veracruz, Mexico, holds a PhD in physics from Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Morelia, Mexico) and has been a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (Goethe Universität) for three years. He has deployed enormous energy and talent in conducting research, teaching, mentoring students and collaborating with members of the Institute. All of this effort and success is acknowledged by the EHT Early Career Award which duly went to Dr. Alejandro Cruz-Osorio this year.
Honourable mentions are Kotaro Moriyama, Prashant Kocherlakota and Christian M. Fromm, who are current and former members of our group respectively, also received the Early Career Award in the recent years.